Агавето за La Serpiente Emplumada Reposado се приготвя в каменни пещи и се дестилира в медни съдове. Това е
страхотно репосадо, където дъбовите нотки се съчетават перфектно с тези на агавето, което я прави наистина хубава текила за коктейли.
Свежо, богато на агаве и с онази лека мекота, която идва от малко отлежаване.
Зад цветния етикет се крие страхотна репосадо текила, много приятна и лесна за разбиране.
Дегустационни бележки
С аромат, който включва агаве, мед, лимон, подправки и бергамот, тази репосадо текила е течно удоволствие. Вкусът включва печена портокалова кора, черен пипер, карамфил.
The agaves for La Serpiente Emplumada Reposado are cooked in stone ovens and copper pot distilled. It is a great reposado where the oak notes blend perfectly with the spirit making it a really nice cocktail tequila. Fresh, rich in agave and with that slight softening which comes from a bit of aging.
We often see indigenous mythology used in tequila and mezcal branding. In this case it is Quetzalcoatl which was a deity among the Aztecs. The feathered serpent god was known among other cultures as well, albeit under different names. Kukulkan among the Yucatec Maya, and Q’uq’umatz and Tohil among the K’iche’ Maya. Interpreted as deity of wind and rain, bringer of knowledge and the inventor of books he had a busy schedule, and we have not even gotten started on the tequila thing. Behind the colorful label is a great reposado tequila with a relaxed attitude.
Tasting Notes
With an aroma which includes agave, honey, lemon, spices, and bergamot this reposado tequila is a pleasure to pour. The flavor is roasted orange peel, black pepper, cloves.