Raicilla Alicantes is made of 11 years old 100% bio Agave Rhodacantha. It is a type of Mezcal from the state of Jalisco made of a special type of yellow agave growing in the coastal area. A pre-Hispanic production process is followed and distilled in alembics, the traditional clay pots.
Raicilla literally means “drink from roots”. During the colonial period, distillation was banned and the locals called it under a different name to hide the fact that it was a kind of mezcal.
A market and a tradition began in this region because of the rules that tried to ban their consumption. This is true of all indigenous spirits of that time.
Due to its illegal origin, it is called Mexican Moonshine.
It is known that the Huichole tribes (an indigenous culture from southern Mexico) produced Raicilla thousands of years ago in the Sierra Madre Occidental, north of Jalisco, south of Nayarit and neighboring communities.
The agave from which it is made grows on the Pacific coast of Mexico, so it can only be found in certain areas so that it can be different from other mezcal.
There are currently 20 recognized Raicilla brands at CMPR (Mexican Raicilla Producers Committee).
In recent years, the Distilled Spirits of Agave have been controversial. The first mezcal received its designation of origin, which should protect the Mexican industry; in fact, he introduced several rules that prevented small producers from continuing their traditions.
Either they have no resources to invest in the Mezcal Regulator (CRM) requirements, or they were just outside the regions designated as part of the Mezcal region.
There are Mezcaleros from north to south, from east to west around Mexico. It is clear that the approach described concerns a large number of people.
Рейсия Аликантес се произвежда от 11-годишни 100% био Agave Rhodacantha. Това е вид мескал от щата Jalisco направен от специален тип жълто агаве, което расте в крайбрежната област.