“Bartisan is renowned for contributing high-end ventures to the contemporary F&B aesthetics.
A meticulous partnership with clients to defuse personalities and deliver unexpected and never-ending possibilities of the taste.”
Focused on import, production and distribution of only the finest beverages and some other ingredients we are also experienced in:
- Celebrity catering
- Menu engineering
- Hospitality trainings
- Signature cocktails craftsmanship
- Consulting
For inquiries on any of the above you can send us an e-mail to mybartisan@gmail.com
Фокусирани върху внос, производство и дистрибуция на най-фини напитки и някои други съставки Бартизан има богат опит и в:
- Обслужване на знаменитости
- Създаване на менюта
- Hospitality обучения
- Изработване на персонализирани коктейли
- Консултации
За запитвания ни пишете на mybartisan@gmail.com